English Translations

January 15, 1908

Commission on the System of Matrilineal Inheritance

(“Marumakkathayam” is defined as the system of inheritance in which descent is traced through the fe...


August 08, 1908

Melee at the Jubilee Hall

A few snippets have been inserted elsewhere relating to some of the incidents that occurred on the o...


January 24, 1906

Kerala News Round-up - Kochi

It has been learned that the Malabar Collector intends to request the Madras Railway Company to relo...


May 15, 1907

Steps to improve agriculture

It is stated in this paper earlier that one of the main problems faced by the farmers in this countr...


July 25, 1906

Editor’s trash bin

Our revered writer "Agasthyan" from Anchal, renowned for his proficiency in Sanskrit expression and...



October news from Svadesabhimani